The Importance of Self-Care in the Workplace: Strategies for Better Health and Wellbeing

We spend most of our adult lives working. As a result, at one time or another, many of us experience burnout due to work-related stress. It takes a toll on our physical wellness and our mental health.

Several issues involving our careers can put a strain on our overall health, such as long hours at work, colleague competition, high target quotas, difficult clients, and financial woes. All these problems can weigh us down, affecting our overall well-being.

Benefits of Workplace Wellness

Over the years, more and more companies have adopted holistic wellness programs in their workplace, and for good reason. There are several benefits of prioritizing health and wellness in the workplace.

One of the biggest advantages is the increase in productivity and motivation. Studies show that happy and healthy employees produce better outputs, in both quantity and quality. By promoting wellness in the workplace, employees are more energized to work. As a result, they become more efficient in performing their tasks.

Another good reason to prioritize well-being in the workplace is that it can have a significant impact on the stress levels of employees. It helps team members cope better with stress, making them more focused and effective at work.

It is also proven that wellness programs in the office allow employees to build camaraderie with each other as it provides them time to socialize with colleagues in a non-work-related way. Positive relationships among team members make it easier to build employee morale.

How to Promote Wellbeing in the Workplace

While most wellness programs are initiated by the management of the company, there are still ways in which employees can practice habits that promote wellness. Here are some of the ways you can start improving your health and well-being while at work.

Avoid Multi-Tasking

While you might think that doing multiple tasks at the same time is productive, in reality, the opposite is true. Focusing on one task at a time makes you more efficient and less prone to error. It is less likely to be stressed if you are working on a single task. Plus, finishing one assignment can make you feel more productive and can boost your confidence as you work on other duties.

Avoid Lengthy Meetings and Lengthy Sitting

Meetings tend to go on and on, especially if everyone is comfortably seated. A long meeting can zap energy levels, making you less productive and more likely to procrastinate. Sitting for a long period can also adversely affect your health.

To make meetings shorter, try to have them while standing. Standing meetings are proven to be shorter, as no one wants to stand for any lengthy period. As a result, you can discuss essential and urgent tasks, instead of discussing non-important subjects for the sake of talking.

Avoid Working Lunches, and Take an Outside Break

Proper lunch breaks can be too easily worked through in many jobs, especially during a hectic day. However, eating at your desk can affect your health. For starters, when you have lunch while working, it’s difficult for you to recognize when you have eaten enough. There can be a tendency for you to overeat when having an ‘at-desk’ work lunch. Not taking a breather from work can cause more stress to creep in, without you even noticing the increase in your stress levels. Take your designated lunch period as an opportunity to have an actual break.

A little bit of movement, sunlight, and fresh air is always good for you. Whenever possible, take advantage of nature in your lunch hour. The change of scenery alone can improve your health. Vitamin D from the sun can boost your energy, while physical activity can prevent blood vessels from constricting after hours of being seated on a chair.

Prevent Eye Strain And Rest Your Eyes

Hours working in front of a screen can cause eye strain, which can lead to headaches, migraines, and fatigue. If it’s not possible for you to take a walk away from your screen, you can briefly rest your eyes from time to time by taking quick eye breaks. Take a ten-minute break after using the computer for two hours. You can also refocus your vision every twenty minutes by looking into the distance for about thirty seconds.

In Summary

Work is a necessary aspect of our lives. While we may sometimes wish it could be otherwise, the truth is that we work hard to achieve what we want in our lives. Make the most of your work by trying out these ways to incorporate healthy living and overall wellness in your work life, so that you can reap the benefits of a healthy, productive, and happy career.

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